French Donkey- Make Gold
The New Album Make Gold by French Donkey offers up some of the best tunes I have heard in a long time. As a avid music listener I have had a difficult time finding something that moves me, or makes me want to listen multiple times. We live in a society where the music industry force feeds us what it wants the "sheep" to like and buy. Mostly filled with dumbed down lyrics and recycled beats, the popular music of today doesn't interest me nor does it challenge me as a listener. Make Gold gives me that quality I have been searching for in music for a long time.
This album boasts 21 tracks that are ALL inspiring and well thought out. With so many songs on one album a listener might get scared that songs will blend together and and start to sound the same. Scott Paris and Chris Donley took great care to give each track its own personality and life. I can’t stress how much this attention to detail makes this album so fascinating to listen to. They weave many different musical styles and sounds together to form each soundscape and give individuality to each of the songs.
Musically the whole Make Gold album is recorded and mixed beautifully putting great emphasis on using vocal melody as the primary focus of each song. Both Scott and Chris have voices that move well together blending into captivating harmonies from song to song. Every song focuses on getting the listener right into the meat of the contentand will plant a distinctive melody into your head. The layering of vocals adds a unique feel to a few of the songs but the key to this whole album lays upon each of the singers vocal fortitude. These two singers were born to sing together.
To put a finger on the over-all sound of Make Gold is somewhat difficult. It is a acoustic heavy album with many layers of complexity. The percussion is very nicely tucked into each tune which gives it ultimate focus on the vocals and the overall ambience of each song. They explore mixing many different instruments and sounds into each song making it difficult to explain who they may sound like. They sound like French Donkey to me, tremendously uncommon and highly talented. Scott and Chris are architects of something special, thoughtful, and needed in music today.
I can’t stress to you how much I recommend Make Gold to everyone. I have closely followed the careers of both Scott and Chris and and am very familiar with all of their back catalogue of material. I can honestly say this is the BEST set of songs they both have ever released. This particular album is a culmination of years of hard work and honing of their individual skills as singer/songwriters, now showing intense growth and personality. Make Gold is the best material both Scott and Chris have ever released and I can’t express how much you all should go out and pick this album up. Support independent musicians and artists; they pour their heart and soul into their projects because they love it. They have a message they want to share with the world and need the support of people who enjoy what they share. Please consider clicking below to check out the album and download it today!
-The Beardcaster is a podcast all about beards, mustaches, and the interesting people who wear them and use them to do good in society.
all French Donkey albums
Scott Paris
Chris Donley
Chris Donley