How does one get into competitive beard and mustache competitions??? As the great Geauga County Maple Festival is about to kick of in Chardon OH, I reflect upon where I got my start in the beard and mustache culture. It was my first competition many years ago and lead me to many great places and to meet some great people from all over the country. I thought I would ask a couple of other Maple Fest Beard alumni to join me to talk about where they got their start and how it lead to competing in the larger, club style events. Ryan Smith and Stephen Hart join me to talk about how you get into competing and tips for those who maybe afraid to get up on the stage for the first time. Emily Gambrel also joined us to discuss the Maple Festival Beard and Mustache contest and how her and I got together, with Kim Lloyd, to be the organizers of this long running contest. We all got our start at the same place and experienced the same hurdles and went on to excel in larger scale events. Check out episode 31 to hear how we did it and the advice we share to gain confidence!!!